Lake Medina - Open Water Swim Group 2024

Register for Lake Medina - Open Water Swim Group 2024

This wil be our 10th Anniversary for our swim group. 

We look froward to the 2024 swim season with the Lake Medina Open Water Swim Group.

Please note that you must be 18 years old to participate in this group.

The season will run from May 1 to October 31, 2024!

We would like to thank the parks for the improvements that were made at Killbuck lakes and the impending improvement project at Lake Medina. 

When you register for this year the cost will be $15.00. For this nominal price we will provide you the approved swim cap and permit for this year. The cap color for this year will be RED

We are accepting donations on this site or you can PayPal to 100% of the donated amount will go to the benefit of this group.

Contact us directly with any questions. Please note that we do not check social media accounts on a regular basis. 330-686-1680. For the 2023 season we will make a total donation of $1,500.

You must register each year to be part of this group!


Thanks to all of those who made a donation in 2023.


We provide the park a complete list of swimmers for this group each swim season

You must have your permit with you when swimming and must provide it to an officer if it is requested,

You cannot swim alone. You must have a partner or swim support.

We are allowed to swim Monday thru Friday only! Sunrise to sunset!

Mandatory Wet Suit - No swimming Alone!

No Exceptions to the Rules

These are the addresses for the swim locations:

Lake Medina Lake Medina Killbuck Lake
Main Entrance Granger Rd Entrance 7996 White Rd
3749 Medina Rd 3798 Granger Rd. Burbank, Ohio 44214
Medina, Ohio 44256 Medina, Ohio 44256

We look forward to having our open water swim at Lake Medina and KillBuck Lakes in 2022

Come and swim in one of the most pristine lakes in Ohio! No sewers or drainage into Lake Medina or Kill Buck Lakes.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR MEMBERSHIP PLEASE CONTACT US DIRECTLY AT or call 330-686-1680. Do not use social media to ask questions about your membership. Contact us directly.

## Please Note That we receive the permit to swim under these conditions only!

All Participants Must have a Signed Waiver on File - No Exceptions
All Participants in the Water MUST wear a Wet Suit - No Exceptions
All Participants Must wear the Lake Medina OWS Group Cap that will be provided for $15.00.

RSVP is a must for swimming to ensure that we have multiple swim partners!

We are looking for participants to assist as Swim Leaders for 2023. We are a big group and need people to step up and be onsite for swims.

This is NOT a competitive swim! It is to train, learn to be comfortable in open water!

You will be assigned a membership number once we have confirmed you registration. This number will not change. Please record it for future use!

The trails around the lake provide a super run or bike after the swim.

We will take donations to support the swim group at any time. Please contact us directly at 216-272-0064 or by email at
Please check the Facebook page on a regular basis for daily updates.

While we are not considered a nonprofit, all monies that are collected by our group is donated back to the park in the name of our group.

Out total donation to he park over nine years has been $8,600